Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Celebration Candle

I have been working my way through Life Is a Verb over the last month or two. I've found several little "nuggets" in it and I am only a few chapters in. I found a poem and a quote to use on Christmas gifts for my Sunday School class. I found some exercises and questions that I have been thinking through.

Even better, though, was the suggestion that even small, every day things should be celebrated. The author stocks up on birthday candles and uses those in the food of the moment to celebrate anything and everything.

I wasn't interested in the birthday candle part, but the celebration part really clicked for me. My son loves to light a candle at dinner, so I used that as a starting point and bought a large white pillar candle. Then I pulled out a Pampered Chef Trifle Bowl I had bought (on special) and then put in a cabinet because I didn't know what I wanted to do with it. Then we picked out clear and blue "marbles" to fill in around the candle. Voila!

We have since used it to acknowledge a raise, several good test grades, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and just surviving a particularly difficult day of work and life. The Celebration Candle has become a central component of our family dinner. We enjoy celebrating one another with one another.

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