Thursday, April 28, 2011


"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:14

I ran across this verse this morning in a devotional in my inbox. The devotional was a great one, but the verse caught my attention completely on its own merit.

I am in a season of waiting. I feel like I am always saying something like, "Well, after Thursday we might have more information" or "Well, there's a meeting next week and some decisions might be made then." For someone who routinely thinks and plans three months ahead, this can be very frustrating. I can't really make plans for summer until certain decisions are made and events are set in motion. My father has been sick, and I feel like I am always waiting for someone to offer a concrete piece of information about his health.

In some small ways, though, the waiting brings freedom. It forces me to live in the moment because I don't know what is coming next. I don't have much of a to do list because today is taking care of itself. Other than the anxiety that comes when a future planner can't plan for the future, or because a family member is sick, waiting can be okay.

When I teach Bible lessons or write curriculum, I always try to point out when the writer repeats himself. This verse, as a piece of writing, might sound redundant, but that repetition is usually a sign that the author really wants you to pay attention.

This particular verse comes at the end of Psalm 27. The rest of the psalm references not living in fear because the Lord is with us and seeking the Lord. Then, at the end, it says wait. It is almost as if the writer is saying, "Fear is part of life, and seeking is part of faith. When you are fearful and when you are seeking, don't forget to wait. Wait for the Lord - he will come through. Maybe not in the way you expect. But don't rush off. Don't get discouraged and feel abandoned. Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Take Heart. Wait."

1 comment:

  1. When I watch my son wrestle with waiting, I think of how God must see me... impatient, just itching for the "moment" when waiting becomes action, missing the value of the "in between."

    From one sister "restless waiter" to another, may the Lord give you a glimpse of His glory in the "in between."
