Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inspired by... people

This week I want to share links to some people who routinely inspire me in some way. Today's person is Michael Hyatt. Michael Hyatt is the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers and also an online presence (Facebook, Twitter, blogging) who focuses on leadership development, among other things.

Michael inspires me in a number of ways. I appreciate how well he walks the line between good boundaries and transparency. He writes about times he has tried something and failed. He shares things he has learned the hard way. But he does this sharing in an appropriate way.

I am challenged by some of his posts - challenged to improve my online presence, to use social media well, to set good boundaries with time and energy, to focus on my passions.

Michael also shares on his blog about upcoming books and offers readers the opportunity to win a copy every now and then. And I am all about new books!

Check out Michael's website and some of his past blog entries. You might find, as I have, that they are worth subscribing to so you don't miss them.

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