Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Year's Goals - How are you doing?

It's February. The year is 1/12 over. Did you set some goals for 2010? I did. How are you doing on yours? Mine? Not so hot.

I have mentioned before that I find myself needing to simplify my goals for this year - have fewer goals and break them down into doable units. I found this (free) resource the other day at Success Begins Today. The resource is a Word document that you can print onto business cards. Together, the 10 cards make up a Goal Setting Toolkit. There is a card for long term goals, another for weekly milestones, and another for taking a goal and making it measurable (so you'll know if you've met it or not). I think this is a great resource. The site also has an interesting system of using 48 minute blocks of time to get things done. You can start reading about it here.

I'd love to hear how your goals are going for the new year or how these resources from Success Begins Today can help you reach your goals.


  1. On the very-minor-but-doable goal for the year, I am doing well. This is to not take one plastic bag from any store for 2010. When I wasn't looking in the checkout line last week, a bagger slipped the cut (and plastic wrapped) watermelon into a plastic bag and then tucked that down into my reusable canvas bag. Oops. I need to be more vigilant. Other goals... have not even put put on paper yet. I will be checking out the above links. Thanks.

  2. Karyn - I don't know if you have a Marsh near you, but here you get 5 cents off your purchase for every canvas bag you use. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that here recently.
