Thursday, March 31, 2011


I actually found time - and clear space - last week to do a little crafting and creating! It was great - very satisfying and nurturing. I really need to carve out more time for creating in my week.

I have a journal of prayer priorities for the year. I complete it every year around the start of school. But the journal is big and hard to carry around, so I end up putting a lot of time in the creation of my prayer list, but less time actually praying for the things I want to pray about. So I decided to make these prayer cards. They cover the simplest, most basic things I want to pray about, and the people I am most often praying for. The cards are simple and portable and should be useful year after year.

While I was crafting, I opened up my new space monkey kit to look at all the new treasures. My son had just transferred his iPod shuffle to a new box that would better hold his headphones and such. But the little box it came in was too cute to throw out. So I modge-podged it into a cute little treasure box my son can put on his dresser.

I forget how content I feel when I am creating something.

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